
Mooresville High School Paul Hadley Middle School  Neil Armstrong Elementary Newby Elementary

Mooresville High School 

Paul Hadley Middle School 

Neil Armstrong Elementary 

Newby Elementary 

North Madison Elementary Northwood Elementary Waverly Elementary Education Center

North Madison Elementary 

Northwood Elementary 

Waverly Elementary 

Education Center 

Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation consists of one high school (grades 9-12), one middle school (grades 7-8), five elementary schools (grades k-6), and preschool options at two schools. The school district also has college credit, credit recovery, and online course options for high school students.

The district includes residents of Brown, Harrison, and Madison Townships in Morgan County, Indiana. More than 4,300 students attend Mooresville schools. The links above will direct you to each of our school's websites.

The creation of Mooresville High School in 1861 by the Society of Friends paved the way for outstanding education in Mooresville. MHS, one of the first high schools in the state of Indiana, was a boarding academy with students renting rooms from area residents. The Friends Academy building, which sits on the Newby Memorial Elementary School campus, has been restored and is listed on the National Historic Register. Later the building was deeded to the community and became Indiana's only privately funded school building that was open to public education.  Also on the campus is the original Mooresville High School Gymnasium Building, which was built in the early 1920s with help from Mooresville residents who each contributed $100 to help build the facility. Mooresville's school and community ties continue to this day with strong partnerships to benefit community youth during the school day and beyond. Learn more on our History and Heritage webpage. 

Mooresville Schools Entrance

School Telephone Numbers
Mooresville High School - 317-831-9203
Paul Hadley Middle School - 317-831-9208
Neil A. Armstrong Elementary - 317-831-9210
Newby Memorial Elementary - 317-831-9212
North Madison Elementary - 317-831-9214
Northwood Elementary - 317-831-9216
Waverly Elementary - 317-831-9218
Education Center - 317-831-0950

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