Summer Lunch Menu 2024
When school is out for the summer, meals will still be in session.
Learn how to get free summer lunch meals.
Summer Meals
Frequently Asked Questions
What are summer meals programs? Summer meals programs are federal child nutrition programs funded by the USDA and designed to provide kids and teens ages 18 and under healthy meals during the months of May, June and July when school is out.
What are the requirements for my child or teen to receive a meal? Do I have to fill out an application form? There is no application necessary to receive a meal and you do not have to show proof of income. Kids and teens ages 18 and younger can just show up at a summer meal site during the site’s hours of operation.
Are meals available at all schools in the district? The meals will only be available at the Neil Armstrong Elementary, Mooresville High School, Pioneer Park as well as Mooresville Mobile Home Community.
Can the meal be taken home? No. All summer meals offered through the USDA’s programs are required to be eaten on site, and cannot be shared with anyone over the age of 18. Pandemic waivers that allowed families to take meals home over the last couple of years are no longer offered by the USDA.
What kind of food is served at these sites? The meals served are healthy and meet USDA guidelines. A typical lunch, for example, will include a turkey sandwich on wheat bread, milk, an apple and carrot sticks.
What can I do to help? You can share information about free summer meals with your friends, neighbors and family members.
Who funds free summer meals? Summer meals programs are funded by the USDA through the Summer Food Service Program and the National School Lunch Program and are administered by the Indiana State Department of Education. Mooresville Schools’ food service department sponsors and operates the feeding sites locally.
Is there a cost? No. All summer meals offered through the USDA’s programs are FREE to all kids and teens ages 18 and younger.
Can parents or guardians take part in the summer food service program? We invite parents to join their kids while receiving their lunch meals; however, there will be a $4.00 charge for adults choosing to take a meal.
Have other questions? Please contact the Mooresville Schools Food Service department at: [email protected] or 1-317-831-0950 ext. 2014.
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